Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Live the Life!

1 Tim 4:8
8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. NIV

I finally gave in to the pleas from my six year old, blew up the tires on my old bicycle, dusted off my helmet and mounted up for a bicycle ride around the circle with him. He had been pleading all day and I had run out of excuses. We allow the older two boys to take off by themselves for a short ride around the block, but the overprotective father in me won’t allow me to let Michael take off with them without an adult yet, so I’m in a bind. Either I go against my fatherly instinct and let him ride with them… putting a good deal of trust in the older two not to leave Michael in their dust… OR I go with him. Finally, after what seemed like hours of begging, I gave in and decided that I would have to go. So, he and I biked off around the block together. We only went around the circle in our neighborhood maybe twice… less than half a mile, I’m sure… but I am feeling it today! Apparently, bicycling uses muscles in my legs that I don’t use on a normal basis and they are protesting today! I have been reminded today of a truth that I have intellectually known to be true. When it comes to muscles, if you don’t use them, you lose them! I discovered just how out of shape I am.

Is the same true for our spiritual life? If we don’t exercise our spiritual muscles, do we lose them? Do we ever find ourselves out of shape because we have failed to exercise our spiritual muscles? I sure do! Well, good news… beginning this October as our Share Groups take a break, we will be re-focusing on the spiritual exercises which strengthen us to be more like Jesus. I will be kicking off the series of lessons on Sunday night, October 1st with a message entitled, “Live the Life!” I want to encourage everyone to dig deeply into the Scriptures and into the spiritual disciplines to develop a life that more fully embodies the life Jesus died to give us! Then, we have invited a slate of guest speakers to come and discuss with us more of the spiritual practices which will help train us in this endeavor. I want to encourage everyone to be planning now for these Sunday evenings together in God’s Word.

In the meantime, let me ask you… what do YOU do to train yourself in Godliness? What spiritual exercises have you found helpful through the years? Visit our web site and enter in to the discussion beginning this week… www.washingtonstreetchurch.org and click on my blog to read more and to discuss it with others.

Join us for “Live the Life!” at Washington Street… Sunday evenings at 5pm this Fall
Oct. 10- Tom Russell, Washington Street Church of Christ
Oct. 17- Earl Lavender, Lipscomb University
Oct. 24- Ronnie Missildine, Central Church of Christ, Dalton, GA
Nov 7- Russ Adcox, Maury Hills Church of Christ, Columbia, TN
Nov 21- William Coffey, Mayberry Street Church of Christ
Dec 12-  Chris Jones, Mimosa Church of Christ

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