He is named for his Pa Pa Forrest whose name was also John, but was called Johnny for most of his life. We sure miss him and know that he is smiling down on his 18th grandchild from Heaven. Daniel is a name we just liked... a strong, Biblical name and we figured that since he has arrived into our house of three big brothers, he's going to have to stand up for himself from time to time. From what I can read of Daniel from the Bible, that seems to just fit, don't you think?
Anyway, Mom and baby are just fine (and Dad, too, thanks for asking). We're settling into a routine and getting used to having a new baby on board. Its coming back to me. Thanks for all the prayers and well-wishes... and the food, too! I had thought I would lose some of my baby weight, but it looks like that's a losing battle at this point.
He's such a cutie. Don't forget to change your about me section... you are now the father of 4!