Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Preparing for Honduras...

Well, despite the fact that I've been planning on returning to Honduras for the better part of the last two years, I have still waited till the last minute to get ready! This morning I am packing and making a list of all the things that I've forgotten... then I'll be headed to WalMart to pick up all those last-minute items. To be fair, I've already gotten the big stuff together... the clothes, the poncho (in case of rain), the hat (the sun is harsher closer to the equator and my hair just doesn't protect all of my scalp anymore:( ) I've picked up a couple of items for Carlos & the kids. We're taking Carlos & Marla a Spanish-English Bible. It's really nice with parallel columns English & Spanish. I don't speak any Spanish and he doesn't speak any English, but at least we'll be on the same page! I'm taking the boys some T-shirts and a football. Yep, an AMERICAN football. They play soccer all the time (and are quite good) but I'm thinking of expanding their horizons with a real FOOTBALL... the oval-shaped, pigskin variety. We'll see how it goes. Celeste has put some "girly" things in for Erin, their older sister. She's a teenage girl and I'm pretty much clueless with what to take her.
Please keep us in your prayers this week! We're leaving bright and early in the morning (3:00am) from Ricky Pierce's house to catch an early flight out of Nashville. We should arrive in Tegucigalpa by mid-afternoon... in time to pack some benevolent food bags and head out for distribution. Our team this year consists of myself, Ricky Pierce, Ray Hillis, Dale Pierce and Keith White.
I plan to be blogging this week as I have time. They tell me that we'll have Internet access at the hotel, so I'll be keeping in touch with everyone this way. Feel free to send us e-mail thru the blog or directly to me at

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