Tuesday, October 7, 2008

on second thought... baptism IS important

As I stated before we ever began this last month's study on baptism, it is important!  In fact, it may be even more important than we ever thought it was.  Having concluded the series now, here is a short list of reasons why I believe baptism is more important than we may have ever thought...

  1. Jesus did it

  2. Jesus told his disciples to go and do it

  3. it boldly proclaims the gospel in the picture of death, burial & resurrection

  4. it is an outward sign of our inward repentance proclaiming our own death to sin & resurrection to new life

  5. it is a promise to be faithful to God and recognition of his faithfulness to us

  6. it is where we are united/ joined to Christ

  7. it is a common experience we share with other believers in the church

  8. it is where our sins are washed away and forgiven forever!

  9. it is where we are promised that we will recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit which empowers us to face the temptations that tomorrow hold

Was your baptism an important event in your life?  Can you remember it?  How does that memory encourage and strengthen you to this day?

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