It’s not that it isn’t true… I’m sure it is. For years now people have been telling us that “these are the best years” referring to these years with our small children, Andy -8, David- 6, and Michael- 4. I have not doubt that this sage wisdom from those parents who are just trying to encourage us is absolutely true… its just that sometimes it doesn’t FEEL like it. I do have the sense, however, that these years are slipping away very quickly. It seems to me that Andy should be, oh… about three… maybe four, but not eight! Where has the time gone?
So, I have really tried this summer to kick back, relax and spend more time at home or doing things with them. Last Spring was so busy with baseball and school activities that I hardly felt like I had time to sit down. So, I decided that my more flexible schedule this summer should allow me more time with them. We’ve been to Chattanooga twice (quick trips really just to see the grandparents and spend time with them.) That’s four hours in the car… per trip… by far the most difficult part of our journey! (Actually one of those trips involved about seven hours in the car… as we spent 2 ½ on the side of the Interstate waiting on a tractor trailer accident to get cleaned out of the way.) Their cousins have all come out to visit for a few days at a time. One week John Paul, Amy, Karen, Charity and Sarah were with us… they’re great fun as they entertain our boys and help out around the house! But, yes, that’s eight children at the house for those of you counting. Our boys spent a week at their house a few weeks later (turnabout is fair play!) Another week their cousins, Noah and Micah, were with us. We all went out to a Huntsville Stars game… that never ended! (We couldn’t stay up late enough to catch the fireworks after the game so we were a bit disappointed. The Stars lost, too, by the way.) This past week my sister’s girls, Reagan and Riley were with us. We went down to Huntsville and spent a day at the Early Works Museum. Great fun, but the talking tree sort of freaked little Reagan out. Come to think of it… talking trees sort of freak me out, too. Who thought that was a good idea for a children’s museum? Haven’t they seen the Wizard of Oz? This week we’re planning another quick trip to Nashville and the Grassmere Zoo with the girls. I’m not sure why we’re going to the zoo… other than the fact its David’s birthday and that’s what he wanted to do??? I live in a zoo!
With all of this kicking back and relaxing with the children… I’m exhausted! Anybody ready for school to start?
Amen to school starting! It's been a very busy summer for us. VBS is this week and it seems like the craziness will start to subside. But we'll still have another month before school starts - Hayley's first day is September 3rd!