Monday, February 25, 2008

The "Closer"

Man, I want to thank by co-hort in crime here at Washington St., Brad Sullivan, for the great job he did in "closing" my recent sermon series from Genesis this past Sunday. Its great to get away for the weekend every now and then, but I sure do hate being away from my church family and the opportunity to preach. I did so this past weekend, however, confident that Brad would do a great job filling in and wrapping up some of the themes we've been exploring lately... I wasn't disappointed. I rushed up to the sound room this morning to grab the CD of yesterday's sermon and then listened to it over lunch. Man, outstanding and challenging! Thanks, Brad. We really do have the best youth minister around... (he's going to kill me for stealing this pic of him off of his Facebook page!)
The whole purpose of our study thru the book of "beginnings" hasn't been to wallow in the past, but to remind ourselves of WHO WE ARE and WHERE WE CAME FROM so that we would be better prepared to face the future! I believe God is still doing great things at Washington Street and that he wants to continue to do great things in each of our lives... but will we be ready to face the challenges ahead? That's the thought I want us to explore this coming Sunday. And I am VERY VERY interested in hearing what you have to say. Here are some questions that I would like to hear back from you on...
  • How do you feel about the future of the church here at Washington Street?
  • What would you say are some of the biggest challenges that we as a church face?
  • What specific ideas do you have that would help us in the future?

Our Elders, deacons & ministers will be meeting together soon for our annual Leadership Summit to discuss just some of these very things. We value your input and suggestions.

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