Sunday, October 14, 2007

Road Trips

As you might imagine with three boys, road trips are quite an adventure. This year for Fall Break we logged quite a few hours in the ol' minivan trying to catch up on some grandparent time. All the grandparents were making noise about us not having been to see them in a while, so we loaded up the fam and headed out. We managed to see all the grandparents and even made a side trip to catch a glimpse of our newest niece, Sophia. I'm not sure how many hours were spent in the van... but we counted at least ten counties we passed through on Friday alone. I was reminded again that we don't take 'vacations' anymore... we take 'trips.' And now, having this trip under our belt... I am quite ready for a vacation!

The ol' minivan after one of our 'trips.'

1 comment:

  1. Jim Black! I found you through your comment on Amanda's blog! How come you haven't said hello?

    Anyway, your boys are so cute! They're going to be heart breakers! Andy and David look so much like Celeste and Michael tends to favor you!

    Glad to see you've jumped on the blogging bandwagon! Come "visit" me sometime! Tell Celeste hello!
