Monday, December 29, 2008

Cover to Cover

Whew!  The Holidays are almost over and I’m still trying to catch my breath.  What a time of year it it… the hustling… the bustling… the gift giving… the gift receiving… and the gift returning!  Ha ha.  I hope you got just what you wanted for Christmas this year and, more importantly, I hope you were able to give just what you wanted this year.  What’s the greatest gift you received?  I’ll tell you that one of the greatest gifts we have ever received has been the gift of God’s Word.  As I sit this morning and stare at the Bible on my desk I think about how I so often take it for granted.  Here I have the complete revelation of God before me… his introduction of himself to me… his love letter to me telling of his undying love for me… his strategy guidebook to playing the game of life… his instruction manual and map for my life… I am again awestruck to have received such an incredible and awesome gift!!


I am beginning a new challenge THIS week… and I am asking every member at Washington Street to join me in reading through the Bible from “cover to cover” in 2009.  I’ve been talking about it a little bit from the pulpit and this Sunday I will explain a bit more.  I will be preaching in January a short “mini-series” designed to be an encouraging “primer” for our study together through the rest of the year, but January 1st is Thursday, so let’s get started!  Here’s what we are encouraging everyone to do:

·        Pick up a “From Cover to Cover” Reading Schedule from the bulletin board in the church auditorium, from the church office, or from the church website

·        Sign up on the bulletin board or from the website & commit to read thru it with me

·        Sit down with your favorite Bible in the translation of your choice & start reading!


Most days will cover between three and four chapters.  We are beginning in Genesis and reading straight through to Revelation.  Won’t you join us?  What a super blessing this will be to the whole church all year long!


New Year’s blessings,


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Blacks!

The annual taking of the Christmas card picture is usually nothing short of torture at our house... but this year it went really well.  As we wish all of you a very Merry Christmas here are a few Christmas memories we share with you.  And YES... I didn't say Happy Holidays!  Merry Christmas!

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Grown Up Christmas List

thanksgiving-christmas-121A Christmas Note from Our Family to Yours…

I cannot believe that it is time once again for the annual "Christmas Letter."  It has been something of a tradition in our church for those of us who serve as ministers to pause and reflect on the year and to write a “Christmas note” to everyone.  I cannot believe the year has already passed… it has gone by so quickly.  What a year it has been!


My family still counts it a tremendous blessing to be a part of this wonderful church family.  You have blessed us FAR beyond any way we have served you.  Your friendships have held us up, your encouragement has lifted us up and your commitment to the Lord and his work has spurred us on.  It has been a great year for our family.  God has blessed in so many ways.  Andy is in third grade and played football for Riverside this year.  While I wasn’t’ so sure I wanted to encourage football so young, I found that I couldn’t hold him back… he thoroughly enjoyed it and after his first touchdown has decided to go pro when he is old enough for the draft.  David, likewise, has become quite the football fanatic despite being too young to play “officially”.  He is loving first grade, becoming quite the prolific reader and can tell you all the stats & scores for the College and pro football season so far.  Michael, our youngest and loudest, loves running… throwing… diving… falling… tumbling and crashing, though not necessarily in that order.  He started school this year and absolutely loves “Pre-Kindergarten”!  With all of the boys in school now, Celeste has gone back to full time work as Riverside’s PE teacher.  Most every day you’ll find her keeping the kids at school active, playing fair and running out some of their energy around the gym!  The teachers love her… and most of the kids!  It has been a busy year for us and now looking back, I’m not sure where all the time has gone… but it has been a great one!  Thank you for being one of the special people in our lives who have made it so!


A “Grown-up” Christmas List

If you’re looking for the ‘perfect’ Christmas gift to give that special preacher in your life this year,  (Hint Hint!)… this is what would REALLY make him happy! 

  • Buy Christmas gifts for a family in need this year… I have enough ties and really don’t like them anyway.

  • Donate some food to our food pantry… I’m really fat enough.

  • Donate some money to our Honduras Fund to help us make another trip next summer

  • Purchase a table & chairs for the church in Honduras ($65) by sending the money in to the church office with a note for that purpose

  • Make a donation to a local charity… Hands of Mercy Outreach Center, Children’s Advocacy Center, The Child Development Center, Riverside Christian Academy or to our Benevolence ministry here.

  • Donate to our building fund

Monday, December 8, 2008

RCA Bible Class

I talk a whole lot from the pulpit and in my Bible classes about my RCA class and how special the kids are to me.  For those of you who don't know, I have been teaching a Bible class down at Riverside Christian Academy in the mornings for the last 3 1/2 years.  I can't believe the time has just flown by!  It's really a lot of fun!  For the last couple of years I have been teaching Seniors... about to graduate... about to set off on their own.  It's a great time to talk with them about important things that really matter to them and we have a great time doing it.

If you've ever wondered what I do down there... I just thought I'd let you know that I have been posting this semester's curriculum on this blog.  You can look at all of the handouts/ study guides and the syllabus by clicking on the "RCA Class" tab above.  I try to keep this site updated for my students so that they can access the study guides if (and WHEN) they lose the copy I give them in class.  For now, I'm keeping the exams to myself... but if anyone would like a copy of one to take at home, let me know.  I might be able to hook you up... but you'll have to let me grade you on it!

First semester has been a re-cap of the new testament from somewhat of a theological standpoint.  We've looked at Jesus' parables, his miracles, his major teachings and at how he described himself to the people.  We've focused on the church these last few weeks... looking at images of the church, conversion stories in Acts and at the practices that define God's people- baptism & Lord's Supper.  Maybe you'll find it interesting... its been a great semester!  Next semester we're going to turn and focus on "Finding Our Way"... and at the unique way God is preparing each one of us for service in his Kingdom.  I'll be posting that info in the coming weeks!